for The Leela Game

The Commentary of Leela is a comprehensive guide to the ancient game of Leela. It details the rules, and strategies of the game for a newcomer to the game, The Book of Leela is a must-read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and appreciation of this timeless classic.

students of Lila game

Who will benefit from this book?

This book is written for those taking their first steps into the vedic knowledge and yoga practices. Our main objective was to reveal the wisdom of Leela in a simple and comprehendible manner, so that the player will easily relate his/her experience with the messages of the field. However if you have gained by now some understanding in the vedic teachings, there is still a high chance you will find something fresh for yourself on these pages.

The game field is a systematised map of different experiences we pass through as human beings. One state of being logically leads to another, and conscious navigation of life, seeing how the squares through which the dice leads you relate to your experience – this brings satisfaction, regardless of your age.

Book of Leela


About Writer of the game

Evgeny Zemlyanin is leading Leela game more than ten years. During those years he introduced hundreds of people to this ancient knowledge in yoga studios and festivals. As well Evgeny was working on creating the design of Leela board. The last four years he organized courses for those who wants to lead Leela game.  Evgeny was also one of the initiators for translating Leela’s commentary book into Lithuanian language. Every week there is a possibility to meet with Leela game. There are organized events where everyone is welcomed. 

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Feel yourself and your minds. Great experience for my age. I guess this game will be on my morning table . Just go with your heart .

Dominyka Tabula Rasa Mi

The book is dedicated to the magnificent teacher Harish Johari who has ­introduced Leela to the world. Also, the authors are thankful to everyone ­involved in the creation of this version of the game: Nadezhda ­Morozova, Artur Mirkevič, Prohor Karpenko and Evgeny Zemlyanin.
Huge gratitude to everyone who gave loving support and contribution.